

NOX Consulting Interview

Community Manger, David Leander discusses how NOX Consulting has been using Smart Break throughout the pandemic. 

Employees at Nox Consulting.

Recently our Smart Break Specialist and Co-Founder, Johan Boholm discussed with David Leander, Community Manager at NOX Consulting why he and his team have been using Smart Break. David wanted to meet the need for physical stimulation, and create a counterbalance to what sedentary work does to our physical and mental health. In this interview, he broke down some of the best features of Smart Break in his eyes and how they've been successful at taking more breaks.

Solving problems with the help of Smart Break

When discussing with David the if they have been faced with challenges in the workplace, David commented "Always, But especially at a time when Covid-19 restrictions and quarantine are forcing us to work remotely, we must take responsibility for our well-being. At NOX, we want all self-employed people who choose to join our community to be given the opportunities to perform as well as possible. Both as a freelancer and as an IT Consultant."

The most appealing features of Smart Break

David also discussed what he found the best features to be while using Smart Break. "The ability to engage and motivate participants via a digital tool was crucial. Smart Break has attractive packaging and contains simple features to motivate participants to stay engaged. One of these features, and this is probably the feature that I as a moderator enjoyed the most, is the opportunity to randomly draw the week's winners. Since it is a lottery where all active participants have a chance to win, no pressure is created around training, it is enough to participate at their own pace."

Motivating participants to perform Smart Break regularly

"By recognizing the active participants at regular intervals, a buzz was created around Smart Break and the entire investment became a positive spiral. The more people who tried, and experienced the positive effects, the more people talked about Smart Break, which got more new participants. However, the key lies in monitoring it. It is not enough to implement Smart Break, there also a need for continuous follow-ups and acknowledge positive behavior amidst the participants. Among other things, we motivated all participants, by compiling a weekly letter with statistics from the week and a short film where we drew attention to the person who won this week's lottery." commented David.

Collaborating with us. 

When asked what it's been like collaborating with our team, David had mentioned that, "getting started with a new tool can feel big and daunting, but with Smart Break's support, the implementation went very easily. From registering users to technical support and error reporting, and finally tying the bag together required no extra time from my regular work tasks. We also got to be involved in developing the tool, and I value that receptiveness highly in my partners."

Nox's achievements with the help of our service

David commented more about what has been achieved since using Smart Break. "With the help of Smart Break, we have achieved increased physical and mental well-being among the participants. We have also used Smart Break in our communication. At NOX, we invest in wellness and health for our self-employed and in the collaboration with Smart Break, it becomes very clear. We have also invited our customers to join in, which has created a relationship that extends beyond business and it was an unexpected but much-appreciated side effect."

Nox understands the importance of moving

In his final comments, Leander added, "in addition to Smart Break creating joy and motivation in your everyday life, there is a good chance that you will learn something about yourself. Imagine that you try to wear a hat and find that it suits you. Or that you get new glasses and notice that you have had poor eyesight for a long time. That is how it was for us with Smart Break. After starting to take regular smart breaks and discovering that you perform better at work and being more alert when you get home to the family. Smart Break has taught me to understand how I work. We at NOX understand the importance of moving!"

Curious if Smart Break is the right fit for your company? Try Smart Break, and see the positive effects on your employees.



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