Well here goes nothing…first blog EVER!! So I started working for a company recently that hired me to sell a product. Smart Break is a cloud-based workplace wellness solution that was designed by specialists. Day one in the company I was not sure what exactly I was there to do. They informed me about a wellness product that has been having huge success within their company as well with other Finnish companies they had sold to.
So I knew what wellness was, or the thought of why it was so important, but not sure how I could be of help. For nearly 12 years I have been playing professional soccer in three different countries at various levels. So sedentary work at a desk was going to be a bit of a change for me. I am a very confident person when it comes to meeting new people, seeing as soccer has opened my eyes to different cultures and environments.
Almost immediately I was put to work by getting to know this product. The office here at Raisoft has a large community room for eating, coffee, and apparently Smart Break. I completed the first workout of Smart Break in 3 minutes, like you are supposed to do. It did not feel like 3 minutes seeing as we were having a bit of small talk making this workout fly by.
Originally the product was to ensure the workers are able to get the necessary movements that do not come with sitting. The product has given them a double boost after the launch. First they had a significant change in their workers health problems. Then they discovered something they were not expecting, office unity.I have been living in Finland now for 10 years and I can assure you that Finnish people prefer to keep to themselves. But this product has relaxed the office and just like what I have been experiencing for 12 years in soccer, it created a team environment. I immediately knew we had something with this product and realized the potential.
You see, I have researched and downloaded numerous wellness apps to try and they all seem to look the same. Smart Break is simple and easy. You don’t need a phone or tablet on you at all times to do your workout. You really don’t need to do anything but go to the screen and click your name. The employees are not required to put in any info into the system, that is the job of the company to just add your name. Simple, effective, and quick!
What we do is find out what kind of problem a company wants to solve. Whether it be providing a wellness program for their employees or treating the existing problems accompanied with sedentary work they already have. With Smart Break we can provide the treatment and solutions they are looking for. In the next few weeks to months I will be trying to enlighten the US market with this product and I have great expectations. Am I nervous, yes, but I am also excited to see what the future brings.