

Interview with NOX Consulting

Recently our Smart Break Specialist and Co-Founder, Johan Boholm discussed with David Leander, Community Manager at NOX Consulting why he and his team have been using Smart Break. David wanted to meet the need for physical stimulation, and create a counterbalance to what sedentary work does to our physical and mental health. In this interview, he broke down some of the best features of Smart Break in his eyes and how they've been successful at taking more breaks.

New Feature - Notifications

Are you struggling to remember to take breaks during the day? Well, we have a solution for that. Over the past couple of months, our development team has been working tirelessly to bring Notifications to Smart Break. We believe this is a necessary update for our users and will give them the ability to maximize the benefits of Smart Break.

3 minutes of movement for health, engagement and job satisfaction

Over the past month Johan Boholm and our partner Torgny Steen managed a successful Smart Break Challenge in Sweden here individuals can take breaks together in a common environment. With a total of 125 participants that completed over 1,796 Smart Breaks, we were able provide a solution that created 3 minutes of movement for health, engagement, and job satisfaction.

5 Ways to Avoid the Physical Side Effects of WFH

While working from home is indeed safer and more convenient for many, it also poses health risks — including body pains from poor posture, digital eye strain, and even hair loss from lack of vitamin D. Here are 5 ways you can avoid the physical side effects of working from home.

Tech Neck:What It Is and How To Help.

In today's world, we can't avoid using devices or staring at screens. Many of us can spend our entire working day staring at a computer screen. Unfortunately many of us work with bad posture, which can strain our neck and shoulders, causing "tech neck" But, how do you fight tech neck? Here are some exercises to strengthen your neck and shoulders.

Take a Break and Move: It’s The Best Way to Prevent WFH Side Effects

Every break you take to move during the workday will help protect your health and ease any symptoms you may be experiencing from a year of WFH. If you develop the habit now, you can take it with you when you go back to the office.


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